Alkaline Water Purifier Model DWP-608RH
Features |
Weight: 5.0kg |
Water pressure range: 20psi ~ 45psi |
Flow rate: 0.5 Liter - 1.5 Liter / Minute |
Pre-Filter: 10" Ceramic filter (0.3 micron) - Stand alone pre-filter to remove sand, clay, silt, dirt and rust pre-entering the filter system & prolongs filter life span |
Stage 1: PP Filter - The initial stage to filtrate the sand, clay, rust and floating substance & improve water taste |
Stage 2: Bio Alkaline Filter - Creates smaller molecules, promote metabolism and generate mild alkaline water |
Stage 3: Antibacterial GAC Loose Carbon - Effectively reduces chlorine, organic solvent, heavy metal & improve water taste. Add in antibacterial agent |
Stage 4: UF Filter (0.01um) - Removes bacteria, sand, clay, rust, colloidal & organic substance. Reserves the mineral & micro element |
Stage 5: CTO Filter - To absorb heavy metal ion in the water, removes chloride residual, color, smell and organic substance |
Packing Dimension: 460 x 420 x 135 mm |
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FRIENDLY ADVICE: Dear value customer, upon completed installation, you are advice to flush/drain the filter for approximate 30 minutes before first drink, this is to ensure all remaining mineral powder contains in the filters are thoroughly removed. Failing to do so may cause the filtered water with heavy bitter taste. If the filter not in uses for a prolonged period (> 48 hours), before first drink you are advise to: 1. Wash the pre-filter - This is to ensure mud or residuals clogged at the pre-filter to be removed. The mud may create smell if not remove early. 2. To flush/drain the unit for approximates 10 minutes - The remaining water soaked inside the filters which contained overdose mineral should remove through the flush/drain process. Failing to do so may cause the filtered water came with bitter taste. PERHATIAN : Pelanggan yang dihargai, selepas siap pemasangan sahaja, anda dinasihatkan biarkan pengaliran air melepasi Penapis Air Alkali anda selama lebih kurang 30 minit sebelum minuman pertama. Ini untuk memastikan kandungan sisa-sisa habuk penapis tersebut dialir keluar dahulu. Kandungan mineral yang melampau di dalam air adalah tidak sesuai diminum. Jikalau Penapis Air Alkali anda tidak digunakan melebihi dua hari (> 48 jam), anda dinasihatkan berbuat demikian sebelum minuman pertama: 1. Mencuci Penapis Seramik terdahulu – Kandungan lumpur dan sisa-sisa kotoran yang terkandas itu kemungkinan membawa bau pada air minuman anda. 2. Biarkan air mengalir melalui penapis anda lebih kurang 10 minit – Ini memastikan kandungan air yang singgah dalam penapis dalaman yang pekat dengan mineral itu dicairkan terdahulu. Kegagalan berbuat demikian boleh menyebabkan tapisan air minuman berasa pahit. 温馨提示: 亲爱的客户,当链接好您的水机后请不要立刻饮用您的过滤水,事因刚离工厂的新水机过滤 芯里的粉末会令刚开始过滤出来的水份拥有过量的矿物质而带浓厚的苦味它是不适合饮用。 厂方建议新客户安装好水机后先冲洗过滤芯里的粉末大约30 分钟后才开始饮用。 如果水机长时间没有操作(操过48 小时),在还没饮用前厂方建议: 1. 先冲洗前置陶器过滤芯- 残留在陶器过滤芯的泥浆和沉掺渣物可能会发出异味。 2. 先冲洗过滤芯大约10 分钟后才开始饮用。事因水机在长时间没有操作的情况下,残留 在过滤芯的水分在长时间浸泡下将带有过量的矿物质和浓厚的苦味而不适合饮用。 |
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